To achieve a beautiful paint by number art, you do not only have to follow the tips that are being fed to you but also consider answering some important questions that will cross your mind. With paint by numbers, even when you have never painted before, you can achieve professional artwork. One thing that you should do to achieve great results is making sure that you are comfortable and calm throughout the all painting process. Before you think of getting started with your paint by number, here are some of the most important questions that you should consider answering
What do you paint on a board or canvas?
This is the first important question that you should try to answer when you are thinking of getting started with paint by number. If you consider buying paint by number kit you will find inside the kit a canvas that you can use in your painting process. If you happen to buy a quality paint by number kit, you will with no doubt enjoy the beauty of a great canvas as well. You should never go for kits that have a canvas that must be ironed or sprayed before you can begin your painting work. That can take much of your time and it can leave you exhausted. That is why it is important to look for a great quality paint by number kit.
How can you stretch your canvas before painting on it?
This is a very important question to find answers to because if you do not get it right, there is no doubt that you will not get your paint by number right. The first best way to get your canvas stretched is through getting a wooden frame that you can use in the stretching process. To hold it in place, you should staple your canvas on the wooden frame. After you are done, you should never leave them like that. Consider framing your work or your canvas instead. Instead of going through all the stretching process, it is best if you went for a pre-stretched canvas.
Will you be needing extra paint?
The paint will always be a great part of paint by number. If you buy the best paint by number kit, you will not be needing to try and buy some extra paint. That is because the paint is always estimated to fit and complete your painting work. If you do it very well, you will have leftovers. For a more uniform look, you should stick to the color that came with your paint by number kit.
Will you be needing extra brushes?
After you have bought your paint by numbers kit, you should think of whether it is relevant for you to buy some extra brushes or think of just using the brushes that came with the kit. When it comes to brushes, go for what will ease your work.